Tim Cook: " I can fill a stadium with skilled tool workers, but I can't find 1000 in the USA" With current discussion on economic tension, even war between the USA and China it is worthwhile to look at demographics to see who may win in the long term. Looking at the grahps below we see a growing population in the USA, with an equal pyramid in both 2017 and 2050. If this is true, the economy will continue to be strong as for everyone leaving the job market an growing number of younger generations will be able to take their place. When looking at China we see a big gap in 2016 between the age groups 25-29 and 0-4. This is 1-2 generations that will be missing on the job market until 2050. Although the population is large enough, the difference is roughly 130 million (25-29) compared to 90 million (0-4) and even lower for age group 5-9 (77 million). This tells us that there will be a large gap of experienced managers, workers, both male and female for the foreseeable ...
German / English Blog Economics, Cars and random tidbits This blog is to bring some of my ideas down to paper for reference. I hope some of the things may be helpful for you, too!