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How to calculate your Marcos - Simple and easy

"Dez Gainz" - Meme

How to Calculate Macros for Cutting | AreTheyOnSteroids.com

Numbers needed for the mathz
Fat: 9kcal
Carbs: 4kcal
Protein: 4kcal
Total calorie expenditure: ???? Check online (i.e. https://www.freedieting.com/calorie-calculator)
Protein Requirement: 1,5-2,2gr / kg body weight (men more, women less)
Fat should be 20-30% of energy intake
Track your macros: App of your choice!

Those are the numbers you need and these are the questions you need to answer:

1. How many calories do you need?
2. How many grams of protein?
3. How much fat?
4. How many carbs should I eat?

Take me as an example:

Mid 30s, want to gain muscle, 2500kcal (maintenance), 80kg

1. 2500kcal
2. 80kg * 2,2gr = 170gr * 4kcal = 700kcal form protein
3.  25% of 2500 = 625kcal / 9kcal = 70gr per day
2500 - 700kcal = 1800kcal  - 625 (for fat) = 1125kcal / 4kcal = 280gr

There you have it:
PROTEIN: 170gr
FAT: 70gr
CARBS: 280gr

More or less depending on your requirements

OR Check this link to do the work for you! : https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/macronutrients_calculator.htm


