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War with Iran and water supply


When I think about the Middle East I usually think about 3 things: Wars, Oil and Water.
Not by coincidence do these 3 collide - especially with current news.

Based on reviewing recent published reports, including one by the Gulf Research Center (2012), the contribution of seawater desalination in producing potable water for the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf includes:
  • Saudi Arabia, with 30 major plants, gets more than 70 percent of its potable water from desalination
  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE), with 70 major desalination plants, gets more than 90 percent of its potable water from desalination
  • Kuwait, with 6 major desalination plants,
  • gets more than 95 percent of its potable water from desalination
  • Qatar, with 3 major desalination plants, gets more than 90 percent of its potable water from desalination

Even if GCC countries want the USA to take action against Iran, recent events with sea vessels show us that Iran would be capable of hitting these countries hard by targeting their water supply. Coincidence, that they are quieter than usual - again I think not.


